Welcome to StrideScan, a tool to enhance your sprinting performance through real-time form analysis. Follow these steps to get started:
Ensure you have Python installed on your system. StrideScan is tested with Python 3.11 and above. You can download Python from the official website.
Download the code:
Navigate to the StrideScan folder:
Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the StrideScan directory that you have cloned or downloaded and extracted.
cd path/to/stridescanapp
Install Required Libraries:
StrideScan requires certain Python libraries to function. Install them using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Preparing for Analysis
Place Your Video:
Before running the analysis, rename the video you want to analyze to
and place it into the "input" folder located within the StrideScan directory. You may have to replace an existing video. Ensure that your file is in MP4 format.
Run the Program:
With the video in place, initialize the main loop of StrideScan with the following command:
python mainloop.py
Follow On-Screen Instructions:
The program will provide instructions on how to proceed with the analysis. Follow these instructions as prompted.
After Running StrideScan
Review Output Video:
Once the analysis is complete, you will find the output video in the "output" folder within the StrideScan directory.
Check Terminal for Feedback:
The terminal will display feedback based on the video analysis. Ensure to review the feedback for any additional insights into your performance.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please feel free to open an issue on this repository or contact me at isaac.saxonov@gmail.com.
Thank you for using StrideScan!